Sunday, January 13, 2008


In other words, the night before my first day of culinary school.

I have to admit. I am a bit nervous.

It doesn't help that on orientation day I was given, along with three full chef's uniform complete with hat and kerchief (that I refused to try on that night for my husband), five textbooks! No one told me me about the text books. And they are the size of dictionaries. I had to make two trips to my car. I also received a "tool" kit that makes me feel like Jane the Ripper. Thank God I'm post menopausal. Then to top things off. Chef "John" told me to make sure to read the first four chapters of Serve Save. There would be a test on the first day of school, and I was to make sure that I arrived in full uniform. (My husband is charging to camera as I write.)

Ok. I'm neurotic. I read the four chapters two times each and I spent today at Pete's Coffee doing all the review and study questions. I lied. I read the chapters three times and I still can't remember all the different types of bacteria and parasites that can contaminate food. In fact, after reading these chapters I'm afraid to eat out, let alone go to school.

Now that it's officially a "school night" does this mean that I can't stay up and watch Desperate Housewives???

Good-night. Wish me luck on my first day of school.


Ginna Traina said...

Don't waste your time with culinary school. You are already a great chef.
Your gift is in comedy. You crack me up!
You go girl..

Sara S. said...

Im will Ginna on this one! You are quite the jokester! I am so excited for you though and am loving thinking about my mom studying and craming for tests! Now you get to see what it is all about!!! GOod luck. XOXO.