Monday, January 28, 2008

Essential Skills 1 - Stocks and Sauces

We didn't waste any time and dove right into sauces today.(My uniform telling all!) We learned about the "Mother" sauces, which, evidently, some group out there has decided this name is offensive. So now they are referred to as "Leading Sauces." I'm sorry, but that is ridiculous. People are getting a bit too sensitive out there. Chef made a point to let us know that he would be considering them "Mother Sauces."

From our chicken stock we practiced making a Veloute Sauce(veh-loo-TAY)and from our veal stock we made an Espagnole Sauce (brown Sauce). What a treat to make these base sauces and have your stock just ready and waiting for you to come by and ladle out the amount you need!

I also experienced the heat of the kitchen today. With 16 peole making two sauces each - it got hot!! And the dishes were out of control. They always are when you cook but times it by 16.

Chef grilled us some duck for lunch which we had with the last of our practice potatoes from last week(mashed this time). And then the Bakery Angels came in carrying poached pears in some wonderful pastry and creme anglaise, and these beautiful Napoleons.

It was gone before I could get out my camera.


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