Thursday, September 25, 2008

In Mendoza

It has been a busy few days. Lucas picked me up from the posada and we went to to a nearby winery and self sustaining finca to cook a private lunch for a small group. Lucas was supposed to get me by 9 but because of some traffic issues leaving Mendoza he arrived at 11. We shopped and and had to really move to get the lunch out on time. It went well and I enjoyed the cooking with Lucas and the atmosphere of this finca.
Afterward we dove back to Mendoza where he dropped me off at the home of the Altus winery owner to stay for a few days while he figured out accomodations for me. The home was empty, the owners were out of the country and it seemed to me that they didn't use this house much. Their primary residence is in BA , so this is just a vacation home of sorts. It was a bit big and overwhelming. A definite change from the posada.

The next morning I walked a short distance to the main plaza and was picked up by Lucas to go to the Ruca Malen winery that is just a little distance out of town. We followed a van of workers that carpool to work. This winery is serving about 35-45 lunches a day which is quite a bit for this early season. The kitchen is small and rustic, as it was at La Tupina, but with much more action. The menu is a prefixed menu that goes along with the wine tasting and was very good. I began by jumping in and prepping onions, carrots and a small dice of eggplant and a round green squash ( cebollo, zanahoria, berenjena and zapolla) then worked with a darling young girl named Soledad plating the first three courses and the dessert. She was cheerful and helpful, I on the other hand, was a bit of a deer in the headlights.

A small kitchen, busy lunch and no dishwasher!
The time went quickly. This was an energetic and efficient group. No poker.

I returned home around 5 or so then made my self some dinner. This was the first time I really cooked for myself. I packed up again this morning and went in search of a new home.

I made contact with Dolores, a woman who has a travel business here in Mendoza (Tasting Mendoza) that works with Taylor-Made Tours, and she was so helpful in helping me find a a place and getting me settled.

I now truly have a friend in Mendoza.
Thank you Dolores!!!

I am settled in a great spot and will work again in the morning at Ruca Malen.
I spent the my evening walking the neighborhood and chatting it up with the other guests that are staying at this B & B. Interesting people.
The adventure continues....

Buenas noches,


Anonymous said...

Beth - Wow, what a wonderful, amazing experience you're having. I wish we could all be there with you. It's so wonderful to experience life outside what we know! Thank you for taking time to share your experiences on your blog.

So when you're told...for example, your job is to make the you know exactly what to in don't need a recipe, just pull out the flour, butter, salt, and go?!

Hugs - we'll be gathering Wed to do Prelude I, Moment 2.


Bethina425 said...

They give me some guidelines...then I just go for it... I wish I knew metric!
I was asked to make ravioli's yesterday. I now know that it is 10 eggs (huevos) to 1 kg of flour (harina) Knowing that your reading my blog is like a hug!
I miss you!

Ginna Traina said...

you busy bee you!

Can't wait to hear about your next adventure.


Anonymous said...

You are amazing!!! I hope I can eat at your house when you return. I will never forget that lunch at Ruca malen. What are your new accommodations like? Keep keeping us posted.