Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Breakfast - Pancakes, Crepes and Blintzes, Waffles and French Toast.

My husband wanted to come to school with me today and be the official sampler. I told him to come by, that we would be eating around 11:00 and that I'm sure chef wouldn't mind.
He was a no show. Too bad, he would have been in heaven. He's a breakfast guy through and through. Mr. Denny's Grand slam breakfast himself.
He missed out.
Waffles were first. We added a bit of hazelnut meal to the batter and served it with whipped butter and chopped hazelnuts. PCI's kitchen had these great Belgium waffle makers that could fully rotate to flip the waffle.

Next we made some crepes and blintzes. Crepes are a delicate unleavened pancake that are usually filled with a sweet or savory filling. Blintzes are crepes that are cooked only on one side, filled with cheese, then browned in butter and served with sour cream or fruit compote. We made both sweet and savory.

French toast was next on the agenda served with
a warm strawberry compote. We also made a dutch baby pancake, which I had never seen or done. It was interesting. The pancake was made in a cast iron skillet, baked in the oven. It puffs up and is lightly brown. This dish is traditionally served with a sprinkle of lemon juice and powdered sugar. It was delicious.

I'd love to make breakfast for my husband on a weekend and practice some of these wonderful treats but I'm too tired on Saturday mornings to even think about cooking!


1 comment:

Ginna Traina said...

I had your waffle the next day and it was still fantastic.
It had great flavor and chef needs to rethink the grading system...Has he ever worked at Denny's? Does he know what a real waffle tastes like?
Okay, I'll get off his back....I don't want you to get in trouble.
You do make a mean waffle my dear...