I had never even heard of "
Floribbean" cuisine before. Influences from the Caribbean Islands, Cuba and the gulf sate of southern Florida make up this unique cuisine. Tangy and spicy, many ingredients found in common Caribbean pantries have found there way into Southern American Cooking. Flavorful and colorful. Dennis was up once again to
this regions cuisine. He lasted about five minutes before he
splattered his jacket with marinade.That's why we call him Dirty D! He made a nice colorful marinade (as you can see by his jacket ) for a chicken that he served with a Floridian salsa. It was very tasty.

There has been a shift in the kitchen. What is different, is that now after the presentation, Chef does a
brief demo, assigns us recipes, then basically turns us loose. He lets us know the timing of when he wants us to put up the buffet then kinda of just sits back and observes. Some might think he's not paying attention but I know he doesn't miss a thing.
Today was Chicken with a Ginger and Tamarind, Florida Shrimp
Bigarrade with a
Caribbean Ratatouille, Ginger-Rum Grilled Pineapple and a Key Lime Pie.

We are moving fast with the thought of putting together a menu for our final in the
back of our minds. Many of us are staying after class to practice some recipes. Long and full days.
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